Let's try that again ...

Theoretically, there should be a photo of the site just below this line ... oh, there you go, Blogger decided to add it in above. Eh, at least it's loading. OK, thhat was the view from out our bedroom door at Midwinter. And every direction was that good. So very very green ... after years in Australia I have come to hanker after green with some ferocity. And the light was so nice on the eyes, although it can be a bit harsh in summer, I will admit.
In further disorganised Coronation news, the hall itself was beautifully decorated and Asa and Draco looked great. It is very possible that Blogger will also let me publish my photo of them ...

Let's see where it decides to put it. Ah, right at the top of this post. Clearly I need to spend a little time learning how this actually works, but I don't really care enough to ... hang on ... yes! Apparently click and drag is an option. That's better! Wrong photo, though. This is of J proclaiming Draco King, which was a very nice moment. They are a really lovely couple and it is always good to hand over to them.
I'll sort out my desktop photos of the event and try again later, along with the Auckland pix. In the interim, I also took some shots of Bea and Emrys's cats. Baroness Rowany and I stayed attheir house with Yseult the lovely housesitter and Arthur and Guildenstern the two moggies. Guilders is a very attractive little purrbeast who was kind enough to sleep on the bed with me and make me feel a little at home (the lack of demanding dead-weight and passive aggressive purring which Minnie provides was actually a pleasant change.) Here is a photo of Guilders:

Now, Bea and Emrys have another cat. Arthur turned up at the back door one day looking for a home to take him in. Arthur is about 645 years old and smells it. Here is a photo of Arthur:

L calls him the Zmobie cat due to an unfortunate but amusing typo. You will notice that his paws are stained brown, from digging himself up out of the grave. He has a surprising amount of charm, particularly since his purr sounds like my hacking bird flu coughs. Shame about the smell ... But he's a real cat. The minute L put her wool frock on the floor, he sat on it. Right, off for breakfast, then write H&G story, then sort photos so that some of this blog will finally make sense. Nice to know that Camino is acceptable to the image uploader. Shame Netscape isn't.
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