Friday, June 08, 2007

Interim post ...

So, I started on this other post, and it's newsy and has photos and is about Canty Faire, but it's looking like it will be a novella so in the interim, thanks for the cheery messages, keep on giggling at the derangity of some, and rest assured that I have lost exactly no sleep though still feel put out that some people aren't aware of my generally excellent taste in men.

We won't be up in Qld this weekend because I have to work on Monday and the impending storm means that J isn't keen on driving anymore. He was meant to let Blayney and Gabriel know this, but may not have as yet. But he has a headache so we should cut him a little slack.

In the meantime, this is for Deense and anyone else who has fallen prey to the compelling horror that is Robin Hood 2006. I'm not suggesting the show is good in any way other than the same way candy floss is. But it does lead to a very easy Hood Bingo. Click on the image for readable text. Feel free to use as a drinking game, with a responsible limit young uns. There will probably be updates of this ...


Blogger Alysoun said...

ah HAH!!! So I am NOT the only one who sees those hoodies - my bestest friend the costuming laurel does not believe me :)

2:30 am  
Blogger penguin's chicken said...

I believe there will now be many very drunk people after the next Robin Hood episode...

It's hilarious just thinking about how often you see each and every one of these...

I might even need an ad break to refill the keg.

9:13 am  
Blogger deense said...

You... You are now my current favourite person.

I mean, you were up there already, but you have skyrocketed to the top!

11:33 am  
Blogger Not An Elf said...

Hah! I made Miss Krin watch this on Sunday night, and the "I that a hoody?" nearly made me crack up. Dammit! I'm at northern war this weekend, maybe I can tape it and inflict it on myself later.

11:38 am  
Blogger Aminah said...

my mother warned about shows like this but she still watches it for the fringing. Now she can have another excuse to drink more wine too!

7:23 pm  
Blogger Miss D said...

Alysoun, your bestest friend may be drunk BEFORE she watches it if she's not seeing the hoodies. Tell her to hold on and get drunk WHILE watching. It makes Marian's wardrobe that much less painful.

Fionguine, is that you?

Deense, you are very welcome, Elf I'm taping it and you can watch it after Baronial next weekend, and Aminah, just remind her, no knitting while tipsy!

I do hope they come out with season two soon, I have ideas for another one ...

2:58 am  
Blogger penguin's chicken said...


This weeks episode was even worse than usual, stupid greek fire...isnt that a greek myth...not a arabian thing...and its only gunpowder.

And btw, the budget was not spent on fx, it must have all gone on the hoodies!

9:29 pm  
Blogger qpop said...

I love the knitted aspects - I play a guessing game with myself about what they will have knitted next...

1:06 pm  
Blogger Crispy Bits said...

"Greek Fire" ??! Wasn't that a napalm eqivalent? From wikipedia: Greek fire was a burning liquid weapon.

Like my lovely wife, I laugh everytime I see the knitted chainmail :-)

Despite all this, it is 'strangely compelling' - I feel it is a very sympathetic representation.

7:02 pm  
Blogger Mousicles said...

It's like a train smash. It's awful with massive plot holes... but you just can't look away.

I just wonder what they'll get wrong next week.

12:48 pm  
Blogger Miss D said...

Yes, Crispy, Greek Fire was indeed period napalm. I like to think that the research was done entirely from previous televisual incarnations of Robin Hood, which certainly explains the costuming.

Mousey, I hope you enjoyed the blonde Arabic assassins in unitards, I know I did.

2:25 am  

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