Stormhold Invest

I have to confess that I was ambivalent about the Stormhold Baronial Investiture. In our last reign as K&Q and in our P&P reign, the Melbourne groups were the source of most of the problems we encountered. There are reasons for this, some of which I will blather on about in a minute. I made one big mistake in telling J about the terribly witty wags in Krae Glas who heckled me in Court last time I went down there as Queen. They were fairly painful as well as being frustrating, because people only get their AoA once (usually) and the last thing you want is Peers and Co doing the Old Men Muppets routine from the balcony. My favourite part of that night was when one of the kids, who would have been all of three, said "Be quiet, Daddy! It's rude." Mr P is a great kid. So J wants a few of the locals to be slapped with fish and finds it almost impossible to be patient with them. Oh it was all so promising ... and then I had bird flu ...
Anyway, some background. The Melbourne SCA -- it's incomprehensible. I have never met a series of people who have so much going for them who spend so much time focussing on the negative. When the leaders of the groups put their grown-up heads on, they do these amazing things. Some of the best dance, research, fighting, planning and medieval 'stuff' in Lochac comes out of those three groups. But when they leave their grown-up heads off ... well, I'd like three-year-old Mr P to be in charge because he was more reliable and less self-focussed (he's even better now he's five.)
They had a B&B that a section of the barony did not like. Parts of the nearby shires really disliked them. Now this B&B were a little wacky, but no more so than many. They did a lot of things really well. They promoted pageantry, they strongly supported the fighters, they had Big Plans. There was some personal bullshit from both of them in that they had acrimonious ex-relationships within the local area, and had been spectacular in burning bridges connected to those, but this could all have been dealt with.
The peers who did not like them (and you know, it's OK to not like, or even to hate, people in game, you just have to be able to work with them) made this face every time they spoke of or to them. It's the face that you make when you bite into what you think is a butterscotch only to find that it's a sour lemon wine gum. It wasn't good.
So the B&B cut themselves off from big sections of the group and became reactionary, which irritated the lemon people even more (and I can sympathise, but still ...), and both sides started to alienate the new people who really didn't give a rat's and just wanted to do some SCA. Everyone forgot how to communicate, small problems became Grand Sagas, genuine problems weren't adressed because My People Hate Your People, battle lines were drawn, tanties were tanted and before you knew it, the B&B had quit in a huff, the lemon peers all had their soured noses out of joint and the few quiet peers who had just been beavering away doing stuff were left saying, "What the?"
Obviously there are another 100,000 words to this story, but the big point, the important point, is that fewer people acted well than think they did, and that no-one acted quite as badly as some of the stories have made out.
And then there were the repercussions ... ai ai ai! Let's just back away slowly. The only person that I ended up wanting to congratulate was one of the MacAndreas lads who had the balls to apologise to Margie for a balls-up in Marshallate business and subsequently dropping her further into the mank.
While all this was going on there were two groups of people who tried to keep everyone calm and when they failed to work miracles, they stepped off to the side and just did stuff. The first was people who just wanted to go to practice or to hang out, so you had most of Cairn Faill, Rioghan and Muley and many of the younger set just doing things. The second was the small section of leaders in the group who had remained fairly above it all and who were tasked by Stephen and Mathilde to rebuild as much as they could. Miriam was given the Vicarage and Lorenzo either took up or stayed on as Seneschal. I remember that Karel was pretty good about the whole thing, too, but he has had other issues steal him away of late, which is a great shame because he is lovely. Several other peers and leaders including Eleanor, Konga and Alaine (who may have expressed that he thought certain people were pillocks, but did so even-handedly and continued to work with them because he is an adult), Nadje, Bliss and Miss Dawn provided Good Examples, too.
Fast forward 14 months. Things had Settled Down. Cornelius and Morwynna had selected Rodrigo and Sara to be the new B&B. These two are very gentle people who are good at a wide range of things from frocking and music to cooking and ambience. R can waffle even more than J, but he is so charming that it's all fine. Lorenzo had done a good job of Seneschalling enough to keep things happening without doing so much that it looked like Politics. The three Melbourne groups are all beset by people who think they are good at politics when they are actually good at drama. By keeping things low-key, there was nothing to create problems from.
Miriam the Vicar is a genuinely gracious woman. She is kind and considerate, and restrains her arghs! to private audiences. She is also optimistic and encouraging, and so was exactly the person they needed at the time. When people 'politicked' at her, she would use her patented Look of 'Hmm, seems to be rubbish, oh look, I'm needed over there.' When people were doing something interesting, she would encourage them with genuine interest, which has made her very well-liked among the younger set that I was able to chat with.
So, the time came to head down and invest the new B&B. It was a week after our traipse to lovely Aneala where everything was brilliant except that one of my favourite young women gave me an appalling dose of flu. The trickiest court of the entire reign, in a group that J wants to slap a large part of, and I spend four days beforehand unable to talk and go down with a raging fever and hacking cough. Need I mention that I looked just fabulous?
The hall was a very attractive church, but the wind outside was gruesome. A very bright local had set up a coffee shop and had hot beverages a-plenty. There were many people in flash frocks and a flock of cute kids.
Court began a bit late because we had all forgotten to tell Lorenzo that he was essential to it, and he was off picking up Leta who had been delayed by fog. Come to think of it, we were delayed by fog in Sydney, too, and so I had spent the morning standing in a queue developing a raging fever. It's all a bit of a blur ...
We began by calling up Miriam, who was wearing a spectacularly toasty houpelande:

Many of the visiting B&Bs had brought gifts for the outgoing Vicar as well as the incoming B&B. Here Innilgard (looking JUST spiffy!) are handing over a very loot-filled bundle of goodies.

As I mentioned, there were stacks of cute children. I have no idea who these ones are, although I think one of the little girls is Elspeth and Cormac's, but they were very sweet and giggly all day.

Soon it was on to the big part of the Court, and Sara and Rodrigo came forward to be invested as B&B. They made a little oopsie in terms of the sides (usually it's King to Baron, Queen to Baroness), but I don't think it mattered. They did a lovely job of their oaths and the procession, and they were purposely invested in plain garb, since they were part of the populace.

They looked very dignified and there was rousing applause at their investiture, which seemed to bode well. I hope so, it's not easy holding J back from the fish option.

There was a break, and then the second part of court occured, beginning with R&S appearing in their new robes to fit their new estate. Miss Dawn did S's sideless surcote and it was brill! More bunny than you could poke a pie at.

Lots more court went on after this. A couple of highlights:

Young Mr P came up wearing his First Queen's Militia baldric (nice one, Hanbal!) and was made a member of ther Mouse Guard in recognition of his services to the Crown and his sheer usefulness. He looked very startled the whole time, but I was told later that he was very happy about it all. Mr P's dad rubs J the wrong way, and I can see that because he has a talent for the grandiloquent, but he has a great kid, so he must be doing something right.

We also gave out some much-deserved AoAs, including one to Isobel my stunt lady-in-waiting, but sadly the shots of those were rubbish. I'll see if K has anything good on her camera. Isobel and Tamsyn the herald were extremely kind and thoughtful to us, and I liked them a great deal. I subsequently found out that Tamsyn was the person who thought that Casa Celi was evil, but I think that she's only met their reputation and would quite like the actual people. Although Ms Waters and Spyd now both know who she is and what she looks like, so perhaps she should go on thinking that they're evil in order to never be alone in the same room as them. Because it would end in either tears or red wine and singalongs, and neither option is pretty.
[Edited to Add: New news on this development! See above posting: Secret no more!]
We had the wonderful KT and Freiderik helping us, with more stunt LIW-ing from Katje. They were amazing. At one point during the court I started to shiver like a rabbit. Next thing I knew my coat had been slipped over my shoulders, KT's cloak bundled over my lap, she forced her pre-warmed gloves onto my hands and Katje secretly smuggled tissues in and out of the Royal Presence (brave, brave soul!! and so kind!) I have only a glimpse of KT in the shot above, wearing a truncated hennin behind Blod and her furry hat. Freid is much more obvious because he was the tallest person in the room. Anyway, I clearly owe them all major favours and will be starting with Katje's buttonholes any day now.

She and Nadje were the stars of the series of performances that went on through the night, all with moral tales. Sadly I was half-dead by that point, so it's all a blur. I remember laughing a lot, though.
The actual feast was a bit strange. I remember it as being quite good, in fact I felt very revived by the food and went from being in imminent danger of collapse to able to get through the night relatively well. It was certainly more than enough for me to feel full and happy.
Other people had a different experience. The spit-roasted chicken was raw; now this was just a blunder, when will people learn the important rule of spit roasting? Better serve it cold and fully cooked than hot and inedible! Stick 'em on early! The fish, though, was excellent and everyone who tried it liked it very much. Katje had a very bad time with the food, her vegetarian friends (who had given the steward warning of their vegetarianism) found that many of the vegie bits had been cooked in chicken stock. Her friend who eats white but not red meat was stymied by the chicken being stuffed with bacon (although in the end it didn't matter, since raw). And K herself was unable to find out what did and didn't have almonds in it, so didn't eat for fear of allergic reaction.
It seemed that, one disaster aside, almost all the other problems were the result of communication problems. If there had been an itemised menu, all of those allergy/restriction people could have gone to it. As it was, there was no-one who they could ask because the servers had no idea. I think that this happened because the poor old cook was run off her feet and the steward had changed at short notice. The person who ended up stewarding was not someone who is used to feasts and so it would not have occurred to him that this was important.
I do wish that K had said something on the night, because we could have sent a runner to the kitchen to ask all the pertinent questions and then had a herald announce things through the evening. Plus I had pig-free food on High Table. However, I was too manky to notice, K was too polite to want to bother anyone, and the servers were too young to realise that they could make a difference there. It was, in a funny way, a very Stormhold thing. At the end of the evening people went home with wildly divergent experiences of the event depending on where they were sitting. We went home before the last remove came out (that was simply late) but were still very well fed.

The evening ended in a blizzard of tissues back at Miriam's, and apparently I sounded so appalling that night that she left me in bed while they all went out for breakfast at Mis Dawn's the next day. This was a shame because I like that crowd very much, but on the whole it was probably a good idea due to me being plague-ridden.
At the Sunday Tourney, J was on community TV, Freiderik was a Fighting God and Hrothgar won the tournament. Go Rowany! It was a very good tournament filled with imaginative ways of fighting thanks to Hanbal and co. I have no idea who ended up as the Baronial Champion, though ... blur, again ...
In all, I left the weekend quite optimistic for R&S. They are both very cool and will do a good job. It just remains to be seen how many people leave their grown-up hats on around them. Perhaps we actually need to create a mythical crisis nearby so that the people who believe they Must Be Involved will all have something to do? The problem with that is threefold: a/ it's very cynical, b/ it's very Waugh in Scoop and c/ it's buying into, rather than solving, the problem.
Would be funny, though.
I seem to be saying "Who's a pretty Baroness, then?" in this shot, but I'm sure it was more sensible than that.
In fact, I can assure you that you didn't say any such thing.
And you're awfully nice :) If this stomach flu lets up we could always do sewing one night next week, then you can wrangle dress for buttonholes off of me.
How goes the mank, Deense? I am available to come and buttonhole for you at short notice for the rest of the week, or bring soup, too. Get better!!
Thank you! The mank is improving. I'm hoping by tomorrow i'll be better. Don't suppose you'll be free?
*looks cute and sick*
I look MUCH FATTER. You're a chap. Chaps don't get fat, they get distinguished. And hello! Fancy meeting you on a blog like this ...
Hi, I'm the Seneschal of St Bartholomews and I just got this post forwarded to me by one of the college members.
We are both rather confused about:
(a) "the small section of leaders in the group" who "provided Good Examples" most of whom I have never even heard of let alone met.
(b) "the younger set" that you were able to chat with. I consider myself to be very much part of that scene. Indeed as far as I'm concerned almost all of "the younger set" of Stormhold is the College of St Bart's, so I'm rather curious who you were talking to that you consider to be new.
I don't mean to seem to be ripping into you here or anything. I consider your analysis of what went wrong with Stormhold to be pretty much correct. I just believe that you're relying on memories of how things used to be, rather than seeing who is actually doing what now.
I started playing three years ago, so I've never known Stormhold when it was functioning well, but have a very good understanding of how the different factions are aligned currently. Which is why I went "HUH!?" at the people you named as our leaders, because as I said I've never even heard of half of them.
I'm sorry, I'll stop ranting now, but I felt this post really needed a response.
P.S. I was actually at this event, so if you had wanted to speak to "the younger set" of Stormhold, you could have.
Well, Lorenzo is Stormhold's Seneschal, Miriam was the vicar of the group for 18 months, and Karel was the Seneschal of Krae Glas when things went postal and managed to hose down a fair bit of crap in his tenure.
So although you may not personally have met them, I think you'll agree that they played fairly significant roles in the process.
The other people specifically mentioned are ones who did a great deal of behind-the-scenes calming of craziness. Not in the College, I will grant you, but you guys were building yourselves up well enough on your own. However there are several southern peers still alive because those people were there.
I will grant you that a few of them probably won't be seen much again for some years because they're too tired and emotional.
As to the younger set, it's pretty much anyone under 35 to me. But I was specifically thinking of Cairn Fell who kept the momentum going among many of the Sourthern members for a while there, for fear of looking daft in front of a burgeoning new canton.
If St Barts had had its resurgence a little earlier, that's the role that you would have played. As it is, you are a strong part of the Barony's growth, and I definitelyu agree with you that Stormhold is at the sanest and best they have been in years. I await the return of the fearsome archers with, er, fear.
And while it would have been lovely to meet you, no I couldn't have spoken to you as if you think back you'll remember that I spent the entire weekend either organising or doing Court while simultaneously half-dying of influenza. Being a Queen means that you actually miss out on new people and rely on recommendations to find out who is doing what among the genuinely young set.
Feel free to email me if you want to discuss this further. You make a good point that the one group looks very different from two separate angles. The biggest problem of reigning is that almost all your interaction is with peers and B&Bs. The best way for you and the other Collegians to change that is by writing to the Crown, either with recommendations or just an update on what's happening. I know that Alfar and Gudrun would appreciate hearing about things if it's too late for Draco and Asa. Thanks for your words, D.
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