Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Secret no more!

I had an email from the lovely Tamsyn today (Hi!) to say that she had found this blog while doing a search for Stormhold Baronial Invest pix. So I suppose that my cunning plan to be speaking as though talking to household and other friendly royals (Hi Ellie!) is now unleashed upon an unsuspecting universe. Oh well. It's exactly what I'd tell anyone if they asked me to my face, but with more pix and fewer hand gestures.

Anyway, Tamsyn was appalled to learn that the Casa Celi Evil story had legs. Apparently it came out of a drunken evening of rubbish speaking and was not what she meant at all. I think that this is a perfectly reasonable defence because in my time I have both spoken and heard spoken a great deal of rubbish while drunk. Some of this rubbish has come from the mouths of Celi people and we have all accepted that Mistress M does not really want to quit her job for Broadway and Mistress G didn't really want to run off with a 22-year-old hottie during that brief period in the 1990s when she wasn't with the man who would become her husband. Especially since it was never established what said hottie's name was, although his hotness was without question. Mistress E does not really wish that she could shoot laser beams from her eyes. Usually.

This is why I rarely drink these days, because now that I have no need of ever picking up another shag again, I know that I would end up being the sort of drunken person who says "But you know what really irritates me about you?" and forgets to say "Of course, none of that really matters because you have all of these other fabulous qualities that I think are great."

Will go and call Miss G and reassure her that everyone really does like her after all. A shame in a way, because I think that Tamsyn would have had a great time sorting out this misunderstanding in person and it would have all been wine, eclairs and singalongs. T, if you're out there, you're good value and do a fine frock. You can think I'm evil anytime you like!


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