Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Internet is a Scary Place

Some years ago Fruitbat said to me: "Start a Blog! It'll be great! I'll read it!" I took this as a sign that he was desperate for more lunchtime work distraction. Blogs, I thought, were for the under-employed.

Since finally succumbing to peer group blogging a week and a bit ago, I have found myself reading the blogs and ljs of my friends and acquaintances and following their links. I now see why no-one gets any work done anymore.

In a short period of time I was able to find out that K really is happy about the sleeves and buttonholes (16!), that Mr C and Sir Phil were able to enjoy a weekend's ride with the added bonus of watching a friend barf McDonald's, that Persi and Oliver are the two cutest and most advanced babies ever, that Art hates ellipses (but I LOVE THEM!!!), that Rohesia had broken one of her vertebrae but would be fine with rest, that Myna has more crazy brilliant frock plans than anyone I know, and that one of my friends, who I love and admire, writes Harry Potter fan fic with a Potter/Malfoy slash bent.

Yup. You heard me.

It's not as though there's anything odd about this girl. She's hugely clever, gorgeous, talented and witty. In fact, some of her writing was really quite good (of COURSE I read it, I'm an EDITOR, I read EVERYTHING), but, still, HARRY POTTER SLASH???!!!

Is nothing sacred?

Baron BB did nothing for my brain when I mentioned this and he said "King Draco?" He is a bad man and now I have to bleach my poor little brain. I think that it might be the universe punishing me for some of the SCA homo-erotic subtext that I have pointed out to others in the past. (But seriously: let's all take our shirts off, oil up, engage in manly wrestling and speak of the love that binds men together and they expect no-one to start handing out the lubricant?)

K rightly pointed out that there are entire genres of Sci Fi that are nothing more than Fan Fic (Dr Who, Star Wars, Trek, etc) and that slash has always been a big part of this. I think hers is a perfectly reasonable argument, but I remain startled. It's like the moment early this year when a dear friend confided that she was very disturbed about herself: "I saw the Narnia movie, and the lead actor was so hot! And I had to look at myself sternly and say 'Mate, he's 15.'"

Autumnheart's LJ was a much less scary place and filled with a great story about her family skiing trip that has made me hugely jealous. I might take myself ice-skating tomorrow if the rain doesn't abate. She also had a whole afternoon's procrastination in the form of quizzes. I was not surprised to learn that I would be the rabbit in Monty Python's Holy Grail, most comfortable on the starship Moya, a smidgen ahead of Serenity, although I was a little startled to learn that I was most likely to be Big Bird should I ever turn into a Muppet. Since it was only Sesame St Muppets, I suppose that's better than Bert. My favourite was the Jane Austen quiz, here, mostly because it said that I would definitely be Elizabeth Bennet and I still love her.

I am too afraid to mention the Harry Potter quiz results. Goodness knows who our poor characters are shagging in the blogosphere.


Blogger deense said...

The internet is a fun loving place. Honest. It is.

And it wasn't me writing the slashfic. *coughthistimecough*

Actually, i've never written slashfic. I may have in fact read some here or there.

I am rather excited about buttonholes and sleeves. In fact, you've really quickly made it to the top of my list of 'coolest people ever'. Right after myself of course ;p

I have, however, decided that while this has been fun, and I do also want a few other things, that i think I need to take some time and do a bit of 14th century refocussing when I get back from Pennsic. though the pull of the german is quite strong. Very strong in fact.

11:27 am  
Blogger Unknown said...

The internet is scary. But once you embrace your fear you master it, otherwise it will master you!

I am jeleous of all the people going to pensic especially both my squires!

Grrr oh to be debt free and footloose.

1:14 pm  
Blogger Miss D said...

Oh Sir Phil, you can go to Pennsic or own a European car, not both. Besides, it's crawling with bad fashion, and even our love K&Q and Deense won't be enough to distract everyone from the scary parts.

Deense, if you ever send me a link to your slash fic, I will read it, but then I will never be able to look at you quite the same way again. Because I will be hiding behind the sofa.

I've been a slacker today rather than getting further on the various sleeve projects. But I should finish the last of the black buttonholes tonight and remember to grab some white silk tomorrow. I think that we need to finish up your C14 wardrobe with hose, hoods and more smocks before you listen to the pull of the German. Because that way you will be making clothes because you want them, not because you need them. I am so sage, you could use me to stuff something.

10:53 pm  
Blogger deense said...

I really think the German is pretty, and there is a bunch of other things I"d like to make, but really, the more I venture out into other time periods, the more I truly adore my 14th century english and french. I think the hood and hose and another smock or two are definitely needed. I'll be at spotlight tomorrow, must check for material for said smocks. Or head up to marrickville saturday morning.

Can you believe I've never made hose?

I've also had a renet desire develop to do a lot more looking into 14th century headgear. There is so much fun stuff out there I haben't even considered making!

11:31 am  
Blogger The Retro Seamstress said...

You're allowed to love ellipses because you know what you're doing with them. Plus one of the many things I love about you is that you can both speak and write in complete coherent sentences, even if it is "ignore that last bit, I'm on crack."

11:06 am  
Blogger Miss D said...

Mmmmm, virtual crack, the non-drug that drives the SCA ... Well, can you think of any better explanation? ('Why, yes,' says Art, 'OCD.') XXX

1:12 pm  
Blogger Miss D said...

Aaargh! No!! I accidentally followed one of Miss Juliana's links to a H/D slash story that was 31 chapters long. With magic lubricant (memo to self: when it becomes obvious that something on the internet is scary, LOOK AWAY. Don't think you can scan the prime numbered chapters without scarring. You can't.)

1:35 am  

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